Monday-Friday 8:30 am – 8:00 pm
Saturday-Sunday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
353 North Pass Avenue Suite D
Burbank, CA 91505

Car Accident Injuries

Car Accident Injury Treatment

After a car accident occurs, you should visit a medical professional in case of injuries, even if you can’t detect them on your own. At Care Fast Urgent Care in Burbank, California, Albert Kashanian, MD, Nora Davidian, PA, and the team diagnose and treat car accident injuries of all kinds. Simply walk in for a visit today.

car accident injuries burbank

Car Accident Injuries Q & A

What are car accident injuries?

Car accident injuries are injuries that commonly result from the impact of a car crash. Even car accidents that seem minor can lead to injuries that require care, and not all of them show immediate symptoms. That’s why it’s important for you to come to Care Fast Urgent Care soon after the incident occurs.

Care Fast Urgent Care conveniently offers appointments seven days a week, including after-hours timeslots and hours on holidays. If you get into a car accident, you should let your provider know right away when you visit and describe any pain or other symptoms, like numbness, that occurred after the accident.

Your provider may ask additional questions, like whether you were wearing a seatbelt during the accident, whether the airbag deployed, and what speed you were going when the accident happened. All of these details and others can tell them what types of injuries you might have and how severe they might be.

What are some of the most common car accident injuries?

The team at Care Fast Urgent Care specializes in diagnosing and treating the many injuries that can happen during a car accident. You might experience:

Lacerations and puncture wounds

Lacerations and puncture wounds happen when something sharp breaks your skin. During car accidents, they can come from various projectiles inside your car or from broken glass. Some are minor enough not to need more than some cleaning and an adhesive bandage, but others need stitches and more intensive wound care.

Soft tissue injuries

Soft tissue injuries affect your muscles and tendons and can also happen during car accidents, even when the skin is not broken. Whiplash is one of the most common car accident injuries, which causes the muscles and ligaments of your neck and upper back to overstretch because of sudden movement during the crash.

Head injuries

Head injuries, like concussions, can happen during car accidents and have lasting effects if they’re severe or you don’t treat them correctly.

Chest injuries

Chest injuries, which often cause bruising during a car accident, can result in damage to your ribs or internal organs. If you were the driver of your vehicle during the crash, you may get a chest injury because of your chest hitting the steering wheel on impact.

What type of care do I need for a car accident injury?

Treatment for car accident injuries varies widely based on the type of injury or injuries that are present. Your provider at Care Fast Urgent Care advises you of the care you need as you recover, which may include:

  • Bandages
  • Stitches
  • Immobilization with a cast or brace
  • Rest
  • Steroid injections

For severe injuries, you’ll need additional care. The team at Care Fast Urgent Care can refer you to physical therapists, neurologists, orthopedic surgeons, and other specialists with relevant experience.

Walk in for a visit today for car accident injuries.